Steam Turbines Inquiries
Steam Turbines
Enter the required fields in the form below, and click the "Agree and confirm contents" button.
* "Required" fields mean mandatory entry fields.
- Note:
- If we are closed as it is a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday, replies to your inquiry may take several days.
- We may be unable to respond to some inquiries.
- Make sure to read the "Rules of Use" regulations, and use only if you agree to the terms.
- The reposting or forwarding of responses from us by either e-mail, phone, or fax to another customer's website without our express permission is strictly prohibited.
- Personal information that is supplied will be handled suitably based on Privacy Policy.
- Use of the contents of any inquiry may be shared among our group companies. Further, even in such cases, all personal information will be handled suitably based on Privacy Policy.
If you agree to the above matters, please click "Agree and confirm contents"